How do I install Google Chrome OS to my hard drive?

Q. Hello,

I am running Google Chrome OS right now from CD. It took four times as long as windows does to load....... I would like to have it as my only and main OS. How do I install it as you would install windows to my hard drive?

Thank you.


All the instructions and troubleshooting are on this site. Have fun.

BTW, There should be a stable version of Chrome OS coming out later this year. I would wait.

Can i install Google Chrome OS in my computer which is currently running on Windows xp?
Q. im currently using a laptop which has windows xp
Is it possible to install and use Google chrome os?
will it affect my drivers?
and when is the actual Chrome os coming out?

A. I would recommend virtualizing because that's the only way you can really do it. Download the OS from here download either virtual box or vmware player.

Tbh it's not ready for normal use, if it's just because you wanna try it give it a go. It's basically a web browse,but that's the idea of an CLOUD OS.

Can I download Google Chrome OS on my computer?
Q. Supposely Google Chrome OS is going to be coming out this week. I know it is suppose to be for net books, but could I download it for my main computer?

A. kaloo knows nothing the websites a fake. Google chrome OS will come out in the next 1-2 years google chrome is not finished for linux it is still in the developer stage. So why would they release it.

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