Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How do you make an html source effect like the one used on the Google homepage on 9/7/2010?

Q. On 9/7/2010 the Google homepage had an effect where as the cursor moved closer to the 'Google', (which was written in balls) the balls would move away from the cursor as if the balls were a + magnet and the cursor was a - magnet. Can anyone help me figure out how to code this?

A. Some people don't know the difference between Java and JavaScript. The Google page is using a JavaScript to do that effect.


Any one know how to delete past information on google homepage?
Q. i have google homepage and when I go onto internet and go to type something in i dont want the past information. Like were is say under the word google the list of things i have typed in in the past..does anyoe know how to get ride of those??

A. Stop searching for porn.

art class: recreate the google homepage based on what you want to be?
Q. my art teachers making us do this assignment where we have to style the google homepage to our liking, but it has to be related to what we want to be when we grow up.
i want to be a doctor, a surgeon, superwoman lol
but honestly, i can't draw for my life! im only good at media arts :(
any ideas to help me out?

A. What can you do to arrange a stethescope into either a g or an O? Well? Maybe a scalpel for an L.

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