Sunday, February 10, 2013

taken keyword link from advertiser thru commission junction. advt on google adwords. how to enter the affiliat

Q. i have taken keyword link from commission junction for advertising on google adwords. google adwords say that i cannot write the link taken in ppc form. i need help from some one engaged in affiliate marketing via commission junction and posting ads on adwords. by not writing the code taken from advertiser how commission can be received.

A. You have to have a web site of your own before Google will accept you as an advertiser. Look at "Links." at the Google Learning Center
You cannot use the affiliate site that the Commission Junction's member company supplies to you. It has to be your own.

In Google Adwords how can Google tell if the viewer is male of female as well as their age?
Q. In the Demographic Bidding section on Google Adwords.. How does Google know who they would be showing your ad to? I can understand in FB advertising each person has an account.. But on google its just ip addresses using Google. I don't believe your personal information would be that easily accessible.. Am i wrong?

A. Google has a partnerships with other publishers or providers and they exchange user information. Google calls it their 'content delivery network' where they are able to use personal data from their 3rd party partnerships.

If you are logged into say Facebook, Google, Blogger, Flickr and so forth, Google can use your login and personal info to find out your age, etc. Google does not just use IP addresses.

Hence in other words, your personal information will be used by google through other services that you use that may have tied google in somehow.

does my adsense account will suspend if i not pay for adwords ?
Q. i'm confusing about if i not sign up and using adwords . will google suspend my adsense account when i reach to the payment point ?

A. No just need to be signed up for google accounts.

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