Saturday, March 30, 2013

How do you send a picture from you computer to your cell phone?

Q. I am trying to send a picture that I found on google to my cell phone so I can have it as my back round but I don't know how

A. Right click and send the link to your cell number.

How does google voice work with my cell phone?
Q. I am wanting to you google voice but I would like to know a little more about it. I want to know if someone calls my google number and I answer it on my cell phone will my cell phone company charge me for the minutes I use?

A. Yes your regurlar service minutes will kick into effect.

With Google voice however, you can add a home or office phone to be linked to that one number.
So if you answer your cell phone you can actaully seemlessly tranfer the call to the home or office and the caller will never know. That will save your cellular minutes.

If i have google talk forwarded to my cell phone, does it still cost me minutes?
Q. I want to know if i forward my google number to my cell phone, when someone calls my google voice number, will it charge me when i answer on my cell phone?

A. its data, so no, it doesn't use minuites
if you have a limited data plan, it could use that up fairly quickly, unless you are connected via WiFi, which then would be free

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