Sunday, March 31, 2013

HOw do i download permanently black google homepage?

Q. i really want an ecofriendly computer to work with i came across the black google.

please give me other suggestions for ecofriendly comp .............and i wanna permanently download black google..

A. Working yourself - satisfactory idea

How do you use Google Black?
Q. Does anyone know how to use the Black Google? Cause I don't see anywhere to search on it. Or are you not suppost to search at all . . .

A. If you use firefox this addon turns your usual google page black. It also looks nicer than most others too imo.

You have to register to download it as its still marked experimental. Works fine for me though. :-)

Why are these crazy politicians pulling the race card with Michael Jackson?
Q. The man did not even want to be black...bleaching his skin, marrying white woman, having WHITE kids? Quincy Jones just recently said that he knows MJ did not have a weird skin disease...he just bleached his skin because he did not want to be black. Google it.
okay, so why is the black community exhaulting him like he is some great black hero...when HE DID NOT WANT TO BE BLACK.
everyone liked his music...not just blacks.

A. Because the race card is all they know. Michael Jackson wasn't about race, he was about being human, and it didn't matter to him what skin color someone was. It is a shame that they would bring race up at his memorial when that is something he was totally against. Michael stood for the HUMAN RACE.

Oh and by the way, it is NOT only blacks who view MJ as a hero, there are people of all races who view him as a hero, and in many ways he really and truely was a hero. And I'm NOT black. My he rest in peace and may you get a life.

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