Sunday, March 31, 2013

How do i turn off call forwarding to my phone from Google Voice?

Q. Whenever someone calls my google voice, my cell phone rings. How do i turn that off? i dont want to receive texts or calling from my google voice on my phone.

A. Go into the Google Voice web interface

Click the Phones tab of your Settings.
Your temporary number will be listed at the top of the page. Click Delete to remove the temporary number you've set.

Can Google Voice transfer my home phone to an online # and be accessed on two android phones?
Q. I have 3 phones. I would like to know if I can transfer my home # to google voice then have google voice send the call simultaneously to my cell and my wife's when the phone "rings".

A. Only if Google offers local number portability in your area. Contact them and ask.

Best option would be to have your google voice number call all the phones and only give out the google voice number.

How do you get google voice to ring your computer?
Q. I got google voice recently and want to use it on my ipad. Every time I use it tho it only rings my cell. I cant use my ipad to talk I have to use my cell.

Is this how it works?

A. No, Google voice is a service offered so you can have one number allocated to several others (e. g. say your mother has 4 phones and she wants all her phones with 1 number. she could sign up for Google voice and every-time someone calls her Google voice number the call is forwarded to her other phones) so no you CANNOT use your ipad as a phone.

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