Saturday, December 29, 2012

What are the controls for the google earth plane on a mac book?

Q. What are the controls for the google earth plane on a mac book? Dont copy and paste tell me how to actuallly turn on a MACBOOK. How to do page up and page down and that stuff too.

A. A full list of commands is available from Google Earth's userguide for their flight simulator, for both Windows/PC and for Mac:

How often does Google Earth update their pictures, and why are the graphics still just as bad?
Q. I got Google Earth years ago, and then I recently got 5.0, but they are like exactly the same. Why does Google Earth even make new ones if they aren't going to update the pictures or make so you can zoom in closer?

A. Hey, hey, don't be so hard on them!
Google is one of the biggest search engines worldwide, and they have just launched their own internet browsing service, Google Chrome. And, also having Gmail and iGoogle, they seem like very busy people, and with hungry computers awaiting to feed in the updation software to all of you. Yet you want to complain??! Well, I`m sorry, but that is very un-grateful.
Updating a software, (in this case, Google Earth) is not as easy as you may think it is, you don't suddenly notice all of the changes, and it does give you a full view of the earth, lets you search it, see your home/others houses complete with all of your garden items, such as a pond/shed. Often, updating something makes it faster, smoother to run, and easier to understand. Only when the company feel they have all this on their previous version, will they start working on how it looks, and extra features.
What I'm saying is, with Google worrying about updating their internet, browser, iGoogle, Gmail, etc., they don't have a lot of time on their hands to meet your requirements straight away.
I think Google Earth is pretty clever and neat, so what if it isn't perfect graphics? Do you really need those to find a location?
Google Earth was not designed for people to locate a house or school, hotel, anything they like, and compare the distances.
It is NOT meant to have 100% perfect graphics, you can see perfectly from the maximum zooming in tool, and spin around. If you don't appreciate it, try finding a Yahoo! version of it.

Oh, wait.
There isn't one.
It is Google's special feature, please appreciate that.

How I get snaps shorts from google earth to get a map for a specific area?
Q. I want to make a map and print that for a specific area in high resolution from google earth. But my problem is that I can't joined the snaps properly in Photoshop for getting the wright map for a specific area. Is there any software for taking the snap shorts from google earth and joined them all to generate the right map for that area in high resoulution.

A. sorry, but there is no software to take a snapshot from google earth, but you can do so by other way.

1) you can [b] print screen the page by pressing the print screen button of your keyboard [/b],

2) then paste it in mspaint and cut out the map and paste in other paint.

3)then slide the map in google earth and again repeate the 1st step.

4) after that paste that map in other paint i which you had pasted earlier after cutting.

5) and slide that to join both maps to a single in paint.

by this way you can create a whole map.

ya, it will take some time but by this way you can get your whole map clear.

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