Tuesday, April 30, 2013

What are these circular fields that look like sonar on google maps?

Q. Just browsing through and I see these pop up all over, just wondering what they were?

example : http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=inyo+national+forest&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&hl=en&hq=inyo+national+forest&hnear=Inyo+National+Forest,+Bishop,+CA+93514,+USA&ll=35.274108,-118.955755&spn=0.016327,0.027595&t=h&z=15

A. I believe those are crop fields that are irrigated by an arm that pivots around it's base in the middle, thus forming a circle. They are used in dry areas with little water access. I noticed that there a lot of them in certain areas of China too when I was looking at google Earth one day.

What is Google going to do with Google Video now that they have YouTube?
Q. What exactly are they doing with YouTube? Is it just for profit from the ads, or are they actually going to make into one of those Google programs like Google maps, Google Local, Froogle, etc. And what's the point in them having Google Video now anyways? YouTube still doesn't say: copyright 2006 Google, or anything like that.

A. I'm sure they will compare notes, merge the two platforms together taking the best of both to combine one all exclusive, billion dollar ad revenue generating video behemoth.

How do you thank someone for a good clue?
Q. I needed a distance measurement in Pearl Harbor. I thought water--
they thought driving map [google] and gave me the URL- of course.
I got a better display on a Yahoo map. Specific distance was a little over
3 mile. We sometimes create our own complexities.

Thank you

A. Maybe try to click on their name in your answers section when you come onto Yahoo answers and IM them a quick thankyou note?
Or answer a question they've asked and then mention your thanks in your answer to their question, provided they asked one!

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