Sunday, January 27, 2013

Quais as empresas brasileiras que trabalham com google search appliance?

Q. Olá, estou precisando contratar o google search appliance, já li muito a respeito e agora preciso para minha empresa porém não encotrei nenhuma empresa Brasileira pois eu gostaria de ter a proximidade e facilidade da linguagem

A. Olá conheço uma empresa do RS que trabalha bastante com google search appliance e pelo que sei são bons..

segue o site da empresa!

What sort of places is considered a cool dry place?
Q. I want to get some butternut squash and according to some articles via google search, you need to store them in a cool dry place.

I have a bread drawer with a horizontal metal door with a vent.

I also have two closets not counting the one in my bedroom.

A. Any cupboard or drawer that is away from heat and light; that means, away from appliances and the further away from the ceiling the better (heat rises after all). Avoid spaces or containers that may trap moisture.

What is the name of an agency that I can add my house to a film registry list?
Q. I am not sure what "word" or type of category to even google search. Any help is appreciated.

Anyhow, I want to add my house to a list of houses that may have potential for being used in movies and films. A lot of people do it.

For example:
50's car
Old appliances
coke machines
rare stage props

A. Here is a list of brokers or location reps who will represent your home to location managers working on films who might be in need of a house like yours. Of course, these reps are only interested in your home if it is in the greater Los Angeles area. Good luck, it can pay pretty well.

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