Monday, January 28, 2013

How do you report a business which does not exist anymore but is still being advertised on the web?

Q. We recently got rid of a business partner who had control of the website of our business. After he left we changed the name of the business including the phone number. He did not discontinue the website so we had to create another website. His website is still there on google. The business is also on google maps. The phone Number is still listed and when you call no one answers. In a way its discrediting our business so is there anyway to contact google to get rid of the site because that business doesn't exist anymore?

A. I would work with an attorney to give him notice that he needs to relinquish control. If he does not respond, take him to court.

How can I find an IP address of someone who posted a complaint about my business on Google?
Q. It was posted in the business listing.

A. it was me, your pizza sucks!

How can I get my small business listed on Google?
Q. Do you notice that if you type in the name of most mid sized or larger businesses in Google, it will come up with all kinds of information (including services, products, contact, about us)

I have submitted my small business to Google many times but nothing. I would like to have the full description come up just like regular larger companies. How is this done?

A. The trick is to include the keyword in your title. And to place your address in free classified ads which are google friendly. Why do you pay for it when you can do it free?

First, start a google search with the keyword "free classifieds ...................." (replace the ......... with the country you like to advertise).

Note down the classified sites' names and start posting your ads in it. Include the keyword in your title. But it should not blatantly look like you are doing it.

I have another idea. Start a search with your keyword. Save the first page (first page only) as "Test1.htm". Wait for one week. Again do it after one week. Save the result as "Test2.htm". Now compare both. Look for people who are in both. Use their keywords in your ad.

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