Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How do you open .apk files on the computer?

Q. My friend sent me the .apk file for an app we are developing. The problem is that I don't know where on the computer the default file location android emulater is. I have installed the Google Labs App inventor.
I'm talking about where should the file location be on my windows manager for an android emulater.

A. You should be able to open up the file with something like Winzip

The download for Winzip is available from

Can I make an android app using google app inventor then sell it on android market?
Q. I'm really good with computers and would probably learn how to make an android app within a week. Some apps on android market are actually very pointless and tacky developed but they still manage to sell.
Yeah google has stopped their app inventor it's being replaced by a company called MIT

A. Probably you could but Google stopping their service as far as I know. There are other framework. You should know Object Oriented Programming but some tools are super easy to use, don't need much knowledge.

How can i become an android developer?
Q. Can somebody please help me out over email, in some steps. At least calrify what i need to learn etc.
I know c++, jscript sort of, php sort of, Html and css.
I tried app inventor, it was horrribly time consuming and limited, unintuitive.
What do i need to learn.
I will not learn java.

A. Read up on the Android Native Development Kit (NDK). I have only glanced through the information, but it appears to be tools to work with the regular SDK to allow you to develop C and C++ apps in Java. However, if you want to develop 3d apps, you will also need to get the OpenGL ES libraries (OpenGL ES 1.1 if you are using Android 1.6+ and ES 2.0 for Android 2.x). I am in the process of downloading it, so I cannot give you any specific information on how well it works.

If you know scripting languages you may want to look into the Scripting Layer For Android (SL4A). I don't know anything about this though, but I heard it allow developers to use scripting languages (python, javascript, lua, ruby, etc.) to write apps for Android. I am not sure if this is an app in it self that executes scripts written on an Android device or if this is some sort of toolkit or sdk that allow you to develop android apps in a scripting language.

Although you say you won't learn Java, I would recommend you learn it. It is what most Android apps use and it is what Android OS was designed to allow apps to use. You will probably find far more support for fixing problems with Java apps on your Android than you will when using other tools, such as the NDK. Also, it is another language to add to your resume... which will help next time you look for a job.

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