Friday, February 8, 2013

What free websites allow you to categorize blogs, allow google adsense and your own domain name?

Q. I've found that the majority of free website creators don't have a blog category option and the blog websites don't allow adsense ads. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I've already purchased my own domain name, and I don't mine spending a reasonable amount each month (like $5/month)

A. Many free website service allow you to place an adsense code. Use, and I'm using wpblogspot and doesn't matter to earn money everyday.

Are there any good books on making money with a free website?
Q. I am looking for some good and informative books on how to make money through a free website. Like how Facebook or other "free use" websites make money. I know through ads, but I would like to know the specifics as well as other options.

The reason being, me and a friend had an idea for a website that we are personally excited about but would prefer it to stay relatively free to any users, yet make money from it.

Thanks in advance.

A. Obviously as you said ads can make money, like with Google Adsense, and so can selling products or services. For books on this, try How to Make Your Own Free Website. It has chapters on selling with PayPal and stuff.

Free website builder that can make your site findable on google?
Q. Hi i was wondering if anyone can help. I want to make a website using a free website builder but i was wondering if anyone knows any specific ones that will allow my site to be found on google, say, when i type in the web address. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks.
I would also like it to be found with keywords. sorry i forgot to mention it!

A. As mentioned by others, any site can be found by Google. There are a couple of things you can do to make sure that this happens sooner rather than later, though.

One is to submit directly to Google at

Another is to get a link to your website on a website that's already on Google, like a blog of a friend or family member, a forum that's surfed by Google, a website directory like, or something similar.

If you want to be thorough, you can submit your site map via the Google webmaster tools, at

Free website creators are fun and all -- like, which is through Google directly. You can even just set up something on Blogger, if that's the style of site you're planning on building. But I personally prefer using Dreamweaver. If you're a student, it's actually really cheap. If you're not, it's still not all that expensive.

You added in that you want your site to be found with keywords. Don't worry -- unless you build your website with just images, instead of text, Google will be able to read your text and determine keywords for you without any issues!

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